365 research outputs found

    Polska produkcja filmowa po roku 2005 w perspektywie badań ilościowych

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     The aim of the article is to present the contemporary Polish cinema as the integrated economic, cultural and legal system, to quote dispersed data and to present the data generated by the autohor, which is her own contribution into the development of the film science. Step by step, the author describes the process of achieving the results, problems with the methodology, the decisions about applying specified methods of calculating or presenting the data and the application of exceptions.            The situation of the Polish cinema today is influenced and determined by the Law on Cinematography which was introduced in 2005. Its real effects were observed in 2007. The number of Polish feature films increased from 20-25 in2000-2005 to 40-55 in2007-2011.  The auhor cites the metodology keys to estimate the number of the feature films in the defined         The aim of the article is to present the contemporary Polish cinema as the integrated economic, cultural and legal system, to quote dispersed data and to present the data generated by the autohor, which is her own contribution into the development of the film science. Step by step, the author describes the process of achieving the results, problems with the methodology, the decisions about applying specified methods of calculating or presenting the data and the application of exceptions.            The situation of the Polish cinema today is influenced and determined by the Law on Cinematography which was introduced in 2005. Its real effects were observed in 2007. The number of Polish feature films increased from 20-25 in2000-2005 to 40-55 in2007-2011.  The auhor cites the metodology keys to estimate the number of the feature films in the defined year.

    Green filming in Poland : an interplay between necessity, environmental responsibility and green incentives

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    Celem artykułu jest przegląd aktualnego stanu zielonej produkcji filmowej w Polsce oraz wskazanie podejść do adaptowania rozwiązań mających na celu przekształcenie przemysłu filmowego w zrównoważony ekosystem. Artykuł stanowi przegląd ekosystemu zielonej produkcji filmowej w Polsce. Po pierwsze, wskazuje różne praktyki w zakresie zielonej produkcji rozpowszechniające zrównoważoną produkcję filmową. Po drugie, analizuje wyzwania w zakresie wdrażania zielonej produkcji w Polsce, mając na uwadze uwarunkowania dotyczące zrównoważonej produkcji filmowej.The objective of this paper is to explore the sustainable management approach in film production by examining tangible green film policy solutions in Poland. Specifically, the article contributes to mapping the green film ecosystem in Poland. First, it points to different green screen practices, showing actions that promote an environmentally sustainable approach to film production. Second, it examines the challenges associated with implementing green film production in Poland, considering the conditions necessary for transforming film production into an ecological production framework

    Green Filming in Poland. An Interplay Between Necessity, Environmental Responsibility and Green Incentives

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    The objective of this paper is to explore the sustainable management approach in film production by examining tangible green film policy solutions in Poland. Specifically, the article contributes to mapping the green film ecosystem in Poland. First, it points to different green screen practices, showing actions that promote an environmentally sustainable approach to film production. Second, it examines the challenges associated with implementing green film production in Poland, considering the conditions necessary for transforming film production into an ecological production framework.The objective of this paper is to explore the sustainable management approach in film production by examining tangible green film policy solutions in Poland. Specifically, the article contributes to mapping the green film ecosystem in Poland. First, it points to different green screen practices, showing actions that promote an environmentally sustainable approach to film production. Second, it examines the challenges associated with implementing green film production in Poland, considering the conditions necessary for transforming film production into an ecological production framework

    Produkcja filmowa jako kultura. O pisarstwie filmowym Edwarda Zajička

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    Marek Hendrykowski’s paper is devoted to the unique volume and its outstanding author. The book entitled “Beyond the Screen. Polish Cinematography 1896-2005” written by Edward Zajiček, Professor of Film School in Łódź, is the standard work in the field, unquestionably the most comprehensive and complete book on the history of Polish film production as a specific form of state and individual activity. This newly revised and expanded up-to-date monograph covering every important information about Polish film industry is the ideal introduction to everything the interested reader needs to know about it: from the fundamentals of film production to close-reading analyses of hundreds of classic examples.Artykuł Marka Hendrykowskiego poświęcony jest unikalnej książce i wyjątkowemu autorowi. Książka zatytułowana „Poza ekranem. Polska kinematografia w latach 1896-2005”, napisana przez Edwarda Zajička, profesora PWSFTvT w Łodzi, jest podstawową pracą w dziedzinie studiów nad filmem, bez wątpienie najbardziej wszechstronną i kompletną ksiązką na temat historii produkcji filmowej w Polsce jako specyficznej formie państwowej oraz indywidualnej aktywności. Ostatnio uaktualniona monografia zawiera wszelkie istotne informacje o polskim przemyśle filmowym i jest niezastąpionym podręcznikiem dla każdego czytelnika poszukującego informacji o nim. Książka oferuje nieoceniony zasób wiedzy i faktów, począwszy od podstaw produkcji filmowej po wnikliwe analizy setek klasycznych przykładów

    The Qualitative Analysis of Factors Influencing the Adoption Rate of Reward-Based Crowdfunding by Polish Filmmakers

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    The aim of this article is to analyze and discuss the factors impacting the process of the implementation of crowdfunding by the Polish film industry. The presented study is based on the qualitative approach: unstructured or semistructured interviews, questionnaires and the analysis of case studies. The respondents enumerated and evaluated a wide spectrum of factors facilitating and hindering the adoption rate: from general barriers (e.g. legal regulation of crowdfunding) to very specific aspects for filmmaking (e.g. the unprofessional promotional video of the crowdfunding project). The findings highlighted the significance of the following factors: the existing strong filmmakers’ attitude that ‘crowdfunding is for film beginners’, the complexity of team management (film crew) during the process of crowdfunding campaigns, and the cultural aspects of seeking financial support from friends.Celem artykułu jest analiza i omówienie czynników wpływających na proces implementacji crowdfundingu przez polski sektor filmowy. Zaprezentowane w artykule badania zostały oparte na metodach jakościowych: nieustrukturalizowanych lub częściowo ustrukturalizowanych wywiadach i kwestionariuszach oraz na analizie studium przypadków. Respondenci wskazali i dokonali ewaluacji szerokiego spektrum czynników wspierających i hamujących proces akceptacji innowacji, jaką jest crowdfunding: od ogólnych barier (np. legislacji prawnych dotyczących crowdfundingu), po czynniki ściśle związane z produkcją filmową (np. nieprofesjonalne wideo promujące projekt crowdfundingowy). Wyniki badań podkreślają szczególne znaczenie następujących czynników: silnej postawy respondentów oceniającej crowdfunding jako narzędzie dla początkujących filmowców, złożoność procesu zarządzania zespołem (ekipą filmową) w trakcie realizacji projektu kampanii crowdfundingowej oraz aspekt kulturowy dotyczący szukania wsparcia dla projektu wśród grona znajomych

    Instytucje sektora nonprofit w kulturze (przykład amerykański)

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    Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Etiudy Agnieszki Osieckiej

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    In 1957, the famous young Polish poet and song lyrics writer Agnieszka Osiecka (1936-1998) began studying in the Film School in Łódź. She studied film directing in 1957-1961. After graduating in film arts, she decided not to pursue a professional career in cinema. This analytical essay charts the history of the Film School in Łódź in the 1950s, the student works of Osiecka, and the inspiring confluence of audiovisual culture and film. The essay also explores in detail a wide spectrum of Polish film art of that period, providing original interpretations of eight études made by the young and talented artist during her film directing studies in Łódź.Agnieszka Osiecka’s Student FilmsIn 1957, the famous young Polish poet and song lyrics writer Agnieszka Osiecka (1936-1998) began studying in the Film School in Łódź. She studied film directing in 1957-1961. After graduating in film arts, she decided not to pursue a professional career in cinema. This analytical essay charts the history of the Film School in Łódź in the 1950s, the student works of Osiecka, and the inspiring confluence of audiovisual culture and film. The essay also explores in detail a wide spectrum of Polish film art of that period, providing original interpretations of eight études made by the young and talented artist during her film directing studies in Łódź

    Problemy zarządzania procesem produkcji filmu w otoczeniu nowych mediów i w realiach polskiej kinematografii

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    Problems of managing the process of film production In the new media environment and the realities of Polish cinemaThe author points out that economic efficiency and social functioning film industry is currently in an increasingly competitive market depends to a great extent on the skilful  management of the implementation process and sell the film by its producer. This also applies to Polish cinema, which since 1989 has begun to develop the structure of the model of Western producers. Article presents the specificity of the investment process of the film, the course covers the basic stages of production and key decisions taken by the producer from the project preparation and collection for this purpose funds through supervision  over the implementation up to the final finished work and putting it up for distribution. Discussion of this issues, the author situates in the context of the possibilities that offers film producers access to new medi

    Problems of managing the process of film production in the new media environment and the realities of Polish cinema

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    The author points out that economic efficiency and social functioning film industry is currently in an increasingly competitive market depends to a great extent on the skilful management of the implementation process and sell the film by its producer. This also applies to Polish cinema, which since 1989 has begun to develop the structure of the model of Western producers. Article presents the specificity of the investment process of the film, the course covers the basic stages of production and key decisions taken by the producer from the project preparation and collection for this purpose funds through supervision over the implementation up to the final finished work and putting it up for distribution. Discussion of this issues, the author situates in the context of the possibilities that offers film producers access to new media